When the CD came along, the vinyl LP was considered as relevant as the wax cylinder of Edison’s day. Yet in the year 2017, CDs are on their way out, and vinyl is having a resurgence. Could it be that photo agencies need to look at some old school ways of making sales?

In particular, as the world becomes more and more flooded with imagery, finding the right, best, newest, most relevant image is becoming harder and harder.

In short, customers have been left to fend for themselves. Ironically, this is also at a time when picture researchers on average are much less experienced and more overworked than they were 10 or even five years ago.

With all that in mind, here are a few ways that you can go old school to make new sales:

  • Research – Help customers find what they want, instead of letting them flounder or go to one of your competitors.
  • Galleries – Provide ready-made selections of images to save researchers the time and energy required to find great shots from the latest organised event, celebrity/news happenings or stock themes.
  • Telephone – Get on the phone and talk to clients, not just for individual sales, but to find out their needs. It’s too easy to rely on everything happening on the web.
  • Under The Radar – Don’t display your best images, or best sets on your web site. Make these sales with direct calls.

To find out more about how we can help provide low-cost labour to make these old school techniques a reality, click here.